As If It Were Over


He had loved her. She had loved him back with all of her heart. The note still clung to the kitchen counter, a reminder of what she’d meant to him. Her patio door was open, a soft breeze rustling through the family room. She could hear birds chirping as they greeted the dawn. Their day was just beginning – how did hers already feel as if it were over?

The call had come early. She’d been awake but lying still in the bed, one leg still wrapped in blankets as sun crept around the curtains. She’d ignored the shrill ring of the phone at first, willing it to stop. It did. Almost immediately it began again. Sighing in frustration, she’d rolled herself over, straining to reach the receiver with her fingertips. She didn’t recognize the number, but answered despite this. Whoever was on the other end of the line was persistent. There would be no easing their mind until she acknowledged them.

The news had come out harsh and rushed – far more callous than the caller had intended. For you see, the caller was only now coming to grips with the reality of it all and could not be blamed for careless delivery in such a situation.

Jolted awake by the message, she now stood wrapped in a simple robe fingering the message he’d left behind. The soft breeze rustled through the family room. She could hear birds chirping as they greeted the dawn. Their day was just beginning- how did hers already feel as if it were over?

New Beginnings

I’m excited to say that I’ll be starting up 365 with a Twist again! It won’t be a full 365 day project. I’ll try to post a photo and a short story once or twice per week. My ultimate goal is to improve my photog skills as well as come up with some new writing material. In case you hadn’t heard, this blog helped me create characters for my first books! Those can be found here:

I hope you enjoy this journey with me and always feel free to reach out with comments and questions.